Nel cuore di Montesacro un festival indipendente luogo di incontro e di attraversamento di realtà uniche, musica, cultura, e dibattiti tutto restituendo alla cittadinanza la fruizione di un parco pubblico, il parco Nomentano nell’interezza delle sue potenzialità per trasformarlo in in luogo di incontro di proposte attive costruite dal basso di servizi e proposte cullturali che mancano nei quartieri della nostra città.
Per anni abbiamo offerto uno spazio libero, aperto e gratuito alla comunità romana nel quale incontrarsi e potersi. allenare in libertà, contemporaneamente presentando ai più una disciplina emozionante e totalizzante che in quegli anni era ancora sconosciuta ai più.
Per 7 edizioni abbiamo animato e partecipato con passione ad un evento per il quartiere da chi vive e attraversa le strade delll III Municipio.
During: Use Your Breath as a Guide
Be aware of your breath as you exercise. If your inhales and exhales shorten and quicken, that is a response to the work your body is doing. “If you’re bracing or holding your breath, you may be overexerting yourself,” says Tory. Using your breath correctly will reduce stress, help guide your workout and improve mental health.
If you’re working out with a partner, you can use the you-go-I-go technique.
“As your partner exercises, you can recover with intentional breathing, slowing down your heart rate. With partner exercises, synchronize your movements and your breaths,” Tory. “This will accentuate and strengthen the emotional connection between you.”
After: Recover with Rhythmic Breathing
Speed up recovery by incorporating breathing exercises with your stretching routine. “Focus on the areas that you stressed during the workout,” says Tory, “Breathe into the stretch and open up that tissue.”
The goal is to get to a relaxed state, returning to rhythmic nasal breathing as soon as possible. By sealing your lips and focusing on breathing through your nostrils, your body will get the cue to relax through the rhythm of repetition.
Consistency is more important than perfection. If you want to improve mental health, you don’t have to make drastic changes to your entire routine, just start incorporating mindfulness and breathwork into your existing routine.
The smaller the change, the more sustainable it will be. Don’t tell yourself you will be mindful at every minute of your workout. You’re going to get distracted. Just keep coming back to your breath.
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Now that it’s in your toolkit, you can return to mindful breathing any time as another way build on your fitness, both physical and mental. So just breathe.